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The Nordic

Contract Management


03 October 2024



The Nordic Contract Management Day 2024, where we will bring you an excellent event dedicated to the latest trends, insights from great speakers, and innovations in contract management.

Don't miss out on our speakers from


In collaboration with



Check-in and Breakfast

9.00 - 9.25

Welcome and setting the scene

Trends and research in Contract Management - WCC and ARC

9.25 - 10.00

Keynote - Contracting for collaborative innovation

Novo Nordisk will share how they work with their partners and how contracting is driving innovation based on that experience of an innovation HUB in Boston where they engage with their partner ecosystem.

10.00 - 10.30

The Truth about AI in Contract Management

CLM Software expert from ARC will share an update on the key focus areas for AI in Contract Management and the current maturity of AI in the market.

10.35 - 11.00

Networking Break and meet and greet with the exhibitors

11.00 - 12.15

Top 10 pitfalls in Supplier Relationship Management workshop

Facilitated by WCC

11.00 - 12.15

Workshop on How to select, implement, and expand the right CLM Software

Facilitated by ARC – different workshop groups based on the “stage” of your organization's CLM journey 

12.15 - 13.00

Networking Break and Lunch and meet and greet with the exhibitors

Operational tracks - Break-out sessions with cases

 13.00 - 13.30

Session 1

 To be announced 

 13.00 - 13.30

Session 2:  Mastering post-signing Contract Management - the missing piece of the puzzle

How to manage Obligation Management, Financial Management, Change Management and Governance Management - ARC

  13.30 - 13.35

Change of sessions

13.35 - 14.05

Session 3:  Best in class Performance Management

Excellent business performance and compliance by mature and software-supported Performance Management - Danske Bank 

Team Manager, ​Vendor Management​ Simona Rasimaviciene, and Lead Supplier, Performance Manager Steffen Schlägelberger

  13.35 - 14.05

Session 4

 To be announced

14.05 - 14.15

Short break

Operational tracks - Break-out sessions with cases

14.15 - 14.50

Session 5: Lessons Learned from Implementing CLM Software: Insights from a Project Owner 

In this session, the project owner of a comprehensive Contract Lifecycle Management software implementation will share key insights and lessons learned from the experience - Genmab

Legal Operations Lead, and Senior Director Susan Mølbach Sforzini 

 14.15 - 14.50

Session 6

 To be announced

14.50 - 15.10

Networking Break and Coffee 

15.10 - 15.40

Leading to transform - a flexible CM organization in an ever-evolving business environment 

Senior Director, Karen Frost Sørensen - Norlys

15.40 - 16.15


To be announced 

16.15 - 16.30

Closing remarks - WCC and ARC

16.30 - 18.00

Networking and Tapas

About the speakers


Full name

Job Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer eget hendrerit metus. Curabitur a diam ultricies, vulputate quam non, aliquet sem. Nulla nisi enim, mollis ut tempus et, pulvinar eu urna. Mauris commodo turpis elit, sed dictum orci pharetra ac.


Full Name

Job Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer eget hendrerit metus. Curabitur a diam ultricies, vulputate quam non, aliquet sem. Nulla nisi enim, mollis ut tempus et, pulvinar eu urna. Mauris commodo turpis elit, sed dictum orci pharetra ac.


Full Name

Job Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer eget hendrerit metus. Curabitur a diam ultricies, vulputate quam non, aliquet sem. Nulla nisi enim, mollis ut tempus et, pulvinar eu urna. Mauris commodo turpis elit, sed dictum orci pharetra ac.


Full Name

Job Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer eget hendrerit metus. Curabitur a diam ultricies, vulputate quam non, aliquet sem. Nulla nisi enim, mollis ut tempus et, pulvinar eu urna. Mauris commodo turpis elit, sed dictum orci pharetra ac.


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